News & Stories

Meet Florence Gildea our Bishop's Social Policy Adviser

10th January 2022

Jon Barrett interviews our new Bishop's Social Policy Adviser Florence Gildea about her new role, her experience and what excites her about social action.

Sustainable Christmas ideas...

13th December 2021

Read an article from the latest edition of SR news in which Sarah, from Just Fair Trade, offers hints and tips to have an eco-friendly and ethical Christmas this year...

Bishop's Social Policy Adviser Appointed

29th November 2021

The Bishop of Leicester has appointed a Social Policy Adviser (two days per week and funded nationally by the Church Commissioners). Florence Gildea will start in the role in the new year but will spend occasional days in the diocese before then.

Next Suffragan Bishop of Loughborough Announced

12th November 2021

The Revd Saju Muthalaly will start work here in the spring

Laura's Everyday Action - Baby Basics

5th November 2021

As Christians we are called to serve our community and love our neighbour, but that calling was so strong for Laura, she had vulnerable families in our diocese on her heart before she had even moved to Leicester.

Training for Church-Community Cook and Eat Hubs Finally Begins

11th October 2021

After delays due to the pandemic, the first training sessions have begun

Plant, Grow, Live at The Growing Hub in Thurnby Lodge

2nd August 2021

Cauliflowers fluffy and cabbages green, strawberries and runner beans as tall as we've seen… The Growing Hub in Thurnby Lodge is taking tasty shape around the Christchurch building and it's an exciting prospect for both the church and its community.

CLLAMS urge local Christians to write to their MP in response to the proposed New Plan for Immigration

4th May 2021

Christians in Leicester & Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery (CLLAMS) is sending a letter to the Home Office in response to the proposed New Plan for Immigration – and is encouraging churches in the diocese to send their responses directly to the Home Office too, as well as encouraging individual congregants to contact their local MP about it.

Fairtrade Fortnight begins

22nd February 2021

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 22 February – 7 March. Find out more about this year's fortnight here.

Christians in Leicester and Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery

25th January 2021

Christians in Leicester and Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery are a group who long to see modern day slavery eradicated from our communities. The group is formed of Christians from the locality who come from a cross section of Christian and professional backgrounds. Read more about them here.

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