News & Stories

Our New Deacons Share Their Journeys to Ordination

A few days before their ordination, Rachael, Heather, Nicholas, Stuart and Cameron shared with us what it means for them to be stepping into the next chapter of their ministry.

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Clergy Licensings: At Launde Abbey and in Archdeaconry

Celebrating the work of our clergy around the diocese, in our parishes and at Launde Abbey, we share with you two licensings that have recently taken place in the Diocese of Leicester.

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Love, support and prayer for the Ukrainian community in every stitch

This patchwork quilt has been lovingly hand-stitched by a faithful and faith-filled network of quilters, who regularly retreat at Launde Abbey, to raise money for Ukrainian people living in Leicester.

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Retired Clergy and Families Gather in Fellowship, Prayer and Praise

A 'delightful day' was had at Launde Abbey by retired clergy who served in the diocese, plus those who now live here.

Revd Canon Alison Myers licensed as Warden of Launde Abbey

The new Warden has been licensed and installed

Bishop's Chaplain licensed

Revd James Pickersgill has been licensed as Chaplain to the Bishop of Leicester

Special Prayers To Mark the Retirement of David and Helen Newman

Bishop Martyn and others met with the Newmans marking their retirement from Launde Abbey

New Warden for Launde Abbey

A new Warden has been appointed for Launde Abbey

Farewells and Hellos for Launde Abbey

Launde's Warden and Chaplain have announced that they decided last summer they will retire this August and a new interim Chair has just been appointed as Bishop Guli prepares for her move to Chelmsford

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