
We are the Church of England Diocese of Leicester. Our vision is the Kingdom of God.

We are a family of more than 18,000 Christians who worship in church buildings, houses and schools, as well as community and outdoor spaces. We believe in encouraging every Christian to live out their faith in everyday life, as they pray, tell others about God, and demonstrate God’s love for the world in their actions. With over 320 churches, 234 parishes, almost 100 schools and academy trusts, and a rapidly growing number of fresh expressions of Church, we are proud to be a rural diocese with urban heartlands.

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News and Stories

How could your church make the most of Creationtide?

20th August 2024

Many churches choose the season of Creationtide to hold special services and events, including their Harvest celebrations, giving thanks for God's gift of creation, and renewing their commitment to caring for our one planet home. There are a wealth of resources available. Here are a few to get you started......

'Sofa Chat' and a Cuppa with the Community

22nd August 2024

The Church of the Martyrs in Leicester have found a great way to casually, and rather comfortably, connect with its neighbours this summer through ‘Sofa Chat’....

Renew Wellbeing Cafés

20th August 2024

The Diocese of Leicester has been selected to join a pilot scheme offering parishes training and support from Renew Wellbeing to launch simple, welcoming, café-style spaces....
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