Parish Contribution

Parish Contribution is the system used in the Diocese through which every church makes an annual financial contribution to the common purse.  This provides significant resource that enables the provision of ministry in every parish in the Diocese.  The resource for ministry has many different forms including stipends and housing for clergy, training for Lay Readers, networking, and support for lay ministry such as Pastoral Assistants and Pioneers.  There are also a variety of centrally based teams who offer practical advice, training, and support to parishes regarding care of Church Buildings, Safeguarding, Generous Giving, Children, Families and Youth Work, and much else.

The system used is an offer system.  This means that each church (PCC or DCC) has the responsibility for discerning their Parish Contribution commitment each year.  These decisions should be generous, realistic, and prayerful

The Annual Process

June & July: Resources are sent to parish clergy, secretaries, and treasurers
July-August: PCCs/DCCs decide their Parish Contribution Offer for the following year
20th September: Deadline for offers to be submitted to both the diocese centrally and the local deanery
November: Parish Contribution commitments are included in the draft diocesan budget for the following year

There is support available for parishes:

For support or questions relating to the offer process:
Generous Giving Team - 

For support or questions relating to payments:
Finance Team -

Resources: Parish Contribution Offers for 2024

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