Who's who

Find staff and volunteers working for the Diocese of Leicester, Leicester Cathedral and St Martins Conference Centre

Contact the Bishop's Office


Diocesan Secretary: Jonathan Kerry
0116 261 5326 / Jonathan.Kerry@LeicesterCofE.org
Director of Operations and Governance: Andy Brockbank
0116 261 5312 / Andy.Brockbank@LeicesterCofE.org
Executive Assistant to Chief Executive Jonathan Kerry: Lynn Gerighty
0116 261 5326 / Lynn.Gerighty@LeicesterCofE.org
Diocesan Programme Manager: Claire Bampton
Shaped by God Together Administrator: Abbie Allen


Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: Rachael Spiers
0116 261 5341 / Rachael.Spiers@LeicesterCofE.org
Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: Peter Holloway
0116 2615241 / Peter.Holloway@LeicesterCofE.org
Safeguarding Administrator: Julie Foulds
0116 261 5360 / Julie.Foulds@LeicesterCofE.org
Safeguarding Training Officer: Louise Warner
07729628319 / Louise.Warner@LeicesterCofE.org

Parish Transition and Ministry Development Team

General Enquiries
0116 261 5317 / 5200
Director of PT&MD Team: Revd Dr Stuart Burns
0116 261 5354 / Stuart.Burns@LeicesterCofE.org
PT&MD Discipleship and Vocations
PT&MD Enabler Discipleship & Vocations: Revd Liz Rawlings
0116 2615328 / Liz.Rawlings@LeicesterCofE.org
Diocesan Director of Ordinands: Revd Sue Willets
07494 647168 / Sue.Willetts@LeicesterCofE.org
Discipleship, Vocations & Ministry Co-ordinator: Claire Stapleton
07932 374962 / Claire.Stapleton@LeicesterCofE.org
School for Ministry Tutor: Revd Canon Louise Corke
PT&MD Ministry Transition & Development
Head of Learning and Ministry Development: Revd Dr Rob Hay
Senior Parish Transition Officer and Facilitation Lead: Beth Cluer
Communications Manager (Maternity Cover): Gemma Starkings
Digital Communications and Content Officer (Part-time): Steve O'Rourke
PT&MD Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Communities Enabler: Matt Long


The Archdeacon of Leicester: Venerable Richard Worsfold
The Archdeacon of Loughborough: Venerable Claire Wood
Acting Archdeacon of Loughborough (1/10/24 - 31/12/24): Revd Richard Trethewey 
EA to the Archdeacons: Tasha Bhardwaj
0116 261 5309 / 07454620223 / Tasha.Bhardwaj@LeicesterCofE.org
Archdeacons’ Coordinator for Parish Engagement: Phil Leech
07535144416 / Philip.Leech@LeicesterCofE.org

Finance and Giving

Director of Finance: Simon Wilson
0116 261 5308 / Simon.Wilson@LeicesterCofE.org
Financial Controller: Jim Pullen
0116 261 5347 / Jim.Pullen@LeicesterCofE.org
Finance Officer: Adil Qassam
0116 261 5329 / Adil.Qassam@LeicesterCofE.org
Finance Officer: Sonal Pankhania
0116 261 5329 / Sonal.Pankhania@LeicesterCofE.org
Chair of the Leicester Diocesan Board of Finance: David Palmer
Generous Giving Administrative Assistant: Ariel Baker
07943469685 / Ariel.Baker@LeicesterCofE.org


General Enquiries
T:0116 261 5350 F: 0116 261 5351
Director of Education: Carolyn Lewis
Further contacts at www.leicesterdbe.org


Property Manager: Mark Jowsey 
0116 261 5314 / Mark.Jowsey@LeicesterCofE.org
Property Officer: Lesley Whitwell
0116 261 5315 / Lesley.Whitwell@LeicesterCofE.org
Clergy Housing Officer: Dinta Chauhan
0116 261 5316 / Dinta.Chauhan@LeicesterCofE.org

IT Department

IT Systems Manager: Phil Ash
0116 261 5325 / phil.ash@covlec.org

Church Buildings Team

Building Development Enabler: Gill Elliott
0116 261 5353 / 07947353129 / Gill.Elliott@LeicesterCofE.org
DAC Secretary: Revd Rupert Allen
0116 261 5332 / 07947353125 Email: (Applications & Attachments): dac@lecportal.org E: (Correspondence): Rupert.Allen@LeicesterCofE.org 

Social Responsibility

Bishop’s Social Policy Adviser: Florence Gildea
Florence is on maternity leave.

Resourcing Churches

Resourcing Churches Programme Lead: Revd Michael Broadley
Project Manager: Alastair Michaelwaite

Intercultural Worshipping Communities

Intercultural Ministry Director: Jessie Tang
Intercultural Ministry Enabler: Michael Ravuri
Project Manager: Luke Fogg
Project Administrator: Dinta Chauhan
Project Administrator: Lesley Whitwell

Other Appointed Officers

Advisor for Pastoral Assistants: Revd Kim Ford
Contact through Claire Stapleton: 0116 261 5317
Advisor on Wholeness and Healing:
c/o Revd Stuart Burns: 0116 261 5354 / stuart.burns@leicestercofe.org
Bishop's Advisor on Deliverance Ministry: Rt Revd Peter John Fox
Please contact Bishop’s Chaplain, Revd James Pickersgill, in the first instance on: 0116 2703390 or Bishops.Chaplain@LeicesterCofE.org in office hours. Otherwise, Bishop Peter on 01332 811534
Bishop’s Visitors to Clergy Spouses after Marriage Breakdown: Sue Essex, Linda Gemmell and Alison Palmer
0116 260 7273 / susanjessex@hotmail.com
Counselling Coordinator: Anissa Chung 
0739 819 9392 / Anissa.Chung@LeicesterCofE.org
Ecumenical Officer: Vic Allsop
01664 434 697 / cedo@ctil.org.uk
Environmental Officer: Revd Andrew Quigley
0116 254 4113 / revdaquigley@gmail.com
IME II Training: Revd Dr Rob Hay
Mothers' Union Administrator: Kate Cooper
0116 261 5339 (Tuesdays 9.30am - 2.30pm) / kate.cooper@leicestercofe.org
Non-Stipendiary Ordained Ministry Officer: Revd Canon Louise Corke
0116 231 3090 / words.th@talktalk.net
Registrar: Lee Coley
Retired Clergy & Widows Officer: Revd Tony Leighton
07792 415324 / tony0leighton@btinternet.com
Spiritual Direction: Revd Liz Rawlings
Warden of Readers
c/o Revd Liz Rawlings liz.rawlings@leicestercofe.org

Cathedral Clergy

Dean of Leicester: Revd Canon Karen Rooms
0116 261 5389 / karen.rooms@leicestercofe.org
Canon Pastor: Revd Canon Alison Adams
0116 261 5333 / alison.adams@leicestercofe.org
Canon Precentor: Revd Canon Emma Davies
0116 261 5364 / Emma.Davies@LeicesterCofE.org

Cathedral Administrative and Operational Staff

Marketing and Branding Officer: Andrew Radford
0116 261 5357 / andrew.radford@leicestercofe.org
Volunteer Manager: Rebecca Hale
0116 261 5362 / rebecca.hale@leicestercofe.org
Governance and Administrative Officer: Adaeze Ebodili
Digital Officer: Mary Green
Head Verger: Bev Collett
0116 261 5375 / Bev.collett@leicestercofe.org
Verger: Les Mitchelmore
0116 261 5375 / Les.Mitchelmore@Leicestercofe.org
Verger: Carys Underdown
Leicester Cathedral Revealed Project Director: Simon Bentley
Events: Molly Hale
Events Administrator: Leah Quill
Education: Alex Blakemore

Cathedral Music

Director of Music: Dr Christopher Ouvry-Johns
T: 0116 261 5374 Chris.Ouvry-Johns@leicestercofe.org
Assistant Director of Music and Head of Music Outreach: Rosie Vinter
Music and Litergy Administrator: Hannah Merritt

St Martins House Conference Centre, St Martins Lodge and New Street Car Park

Business Director: Nigel Jobson
0116 261 5200 / nigel.jobson@stmartinshouse.com
Operations Manager: Sean Ryan
0116 261 5200 / sean.ryan@stmartinshouse.com
Administrative Manager: Daniella Blair
0116 261 5200 / danni.blair@stmartinshouse.com
Front Desk Manager: Veronica Ponte
0116 261 5200 / veronica.ponte@stmartinshouse.com

Christian Resources Leicester

Shop Manager: Janette Sturgis
0116 261 5222 / enquiries@christianresourcesleicester.com
Bookshop Assistant: Abbie Allen
0116 261 5222 / enquiries@christianresourcesleicester.com
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