Bishop's Social Policy Adviser Appointed

The Bishop of Leicester has appointed a Social Policy Adviser (two days per week and funded nationally by the Church Commissioners).

Florence Gildea will start in the role in the new year but will spend occasional days in the diocese before then.

She will be taking over as Revd Canon Alison Adams retires from her volunteer role as Social Responsibility Enabler, although she will continue in her other roles at Leicester Cathedral. Alison will be continuing to help coordinate the Leicester Homelessness Charter as well.

Canon Alison said: “Absolutely core to our faith is the calling to be attentive to and active on behalf of the needs of our fellow humans, especially those most vulnerable, and to be wise stewards of what God has given into our care. That calling drives me, and I am delighted that, in Florence, we have a person of passion, energy, intelligence and commitment to whom I can happily hand over the reins in supporting Bishop Martyn and guiding us through the next phase of this, our shared commitment to God’s people.”

Florence grew up on the Derbyshire/Leicestershire border, and still very much considers it home (despite currently living in London, and lamenting the lack of countryside walks). She plans to move to Leicestershire next year. She has worked with MPs and national charities and told us a little about her background:

“Since graduating from Cambridge, I worked as a parliamentary researcher for two MPs and then worked in policy and communications roles in the charity sector. I also spent a year as a Chaplaincy Assistant at a boarding school, which meant going from a pulpit to a classroom to a netball court all in one day. The north star in terms of my career is my longing to help people who feel left out, overlooked, and downtrodden to feel seen and valued instead,” said Florence.

“That led me to apply for this role - I believe part of the Church's calling is to help build societies where humans are able to flourish and be all that they were created to be. That involves thinking about what Jesus' teachings and example mean for every aspect of our lives and common life together, whether that is housing or healthcare, border controls or banking, welfare or warfare. So, I'm excited to combine my love for theology and social policy, and to help the diocese be a channel of love and light where the people of Leicester and Leicestershire need it most.

“That mission, I know, is already underway with clergy and parishioners already going to great lengths to support the most vulnerable in their communities. I'm looking forward to finding ways in which Bishop Martyn can further support those efforts so that, together, we can see something of God's Kingdom here in the East Midlands.”

Florence also told us about her other interests:

“I love writing and this year my book, Lessons I Have Unlearned: Because Life Doesn't Look Like It Did In The Pictures was published with John Hunt. It looks at mental health and myths about the good life (and how to get there) through the lens of faith using cultural commentary, scriptural reflection, and spiritual memoir. 

“I also love history and visiting heritage sites; my BA was in History, and I mainly did Medieval History after falling in love with the story of Richard III and re-enactments at Bosworth battlefield.”

Please pray for Florence as she prepares to begin work in our diocese.


First published on: 29th November 2021
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