Environmental Resources

Net Carbon Zero Routemap

describes the changes you can make to your church’s Carbon Footprint.

Heating and Lighting

Advice for PCCs on obtaining permission to change heating &/or lighting systems

Energy Footprint Tool

Work out your church’s carbon footprint to help care for God’s creation.

Solar Panels

Advice for PCCs considering the installation of Solar Panels/PV Cells

Energy Audits

Advice for PCCs about Energy Audits

Church Buildings Team Introductory Guidance Note

PCCs and church congregations may be thinking about how they might further respond to the climate emergency and the move towards net carbon zero by 2030. The Church Buildings Team have drawn together various sources of information about the environment and church buildings into an introductory Guidance Note to the topic.

Quick Wins

Guidance about Quick Wins to help PCCs achieve Net Zero Carbon

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