Sustainable Christmas ideas...

The article below has been taken from the latest edition of SR News, a magazine that brings together the latest updates and resources from The Diocesan Social Responsibility Panel.

I don't know about you but I often feel quite daunted by Christmas shopping. Who have I got to buy for? What would they like? What budget per person are we setting? Then add to that wanting to be eco-friendly and ethical as much as possible. It can feel a bit like an impossible task. Well, we recently got in touch with Sarah, founder of Just Fair Trade on Silver Street in Leicester, to ask her if she had any tips on how to do Christmas more responsibly.

"I have spent more than 20 years helping people with Christmas shopping! It started in my house when I held Traidcraft Parties back in the early ‘90s. Now I help customers choose gifts in our large shop on Leicester’s Silver Street. It’s something I love, talking to customers. From the purchasers who start early and organised arriving with a list, to the last minute Christmas Eve shoppers with a slight look of panic in their eyes. If I can help them choose thoughtful gifts that will give joy to the recipient I’m happy.”

"Fairtrade was probably the first to encourage people to think about what they buy and ask who makes or grows it and how they are treated. Then more questions were asked;

How is it made? How is it packaged?

Who made it? Is it sustainable? Does the maker get paid?

How did it travel to get to the shop? What’s it made out of?

All these questions, it can feel overwhelming and you can wonder if its even worth trying to do the right thing, whatever that right thing might be! Here are 4 simple pointers for enjoying a more fair trade, ethical and sustainable Christmas:

1.Don’t fall into the trap of the novelty purchase that is quickly discarded and becomes rubbish. Consider William Morris’ golden rule; ‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.’

2. Buy products with a story. Know where the products come from and who made them. In our case, it might be fair trade jewellery makers in Peru and Ecuador, in another shop a silversmith in Harborough. Not only is this kind of purchase more likely to benefit the maker, but makes the gift more individual and special.

3.Look for Recycled and Up-cycled options. Recycled plastic bottles are being made into soft rugs, cushions, throws, backpacks! Newspaper is skillfully woven into pencil pots and photo frames. Aluminium is remade and enamelled creating beautiful colourful bowls and coasters.

4. Spend with independents (physical or online) and the money stays local. For every £1 spent, 63p stays in the local community compared to 40p with larger businesses, or just 5p for online shopping! In Leicester, we are lucky to have a range of independent shops, explore The Lanes and St Martin’s Square and you’ll find lots of choice.”

“Remember you have the power to do good with every purchase!”

A big thank you to Sarah, founder of Just Fair Trade on Silver Street in Leicester, for sharing some of her story with us along with some super helpful top tips that will help us all to do Christmas a bit more responsibly this year.

To read more articles from the Social Responsibility team and inspire your Everyday Action check out the quarterly SR News here.

First published on: 13th December 2021
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