Raising essential funds for our linked diocese in Tanzania
20th August 2020The Dioceses of Leicester and Kiteto in Tanzania have been linked since 1982. The Diocesan Tanzanian Link Committee are aiming to raise £7,500 for the eye clinic.
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The Dioceses of Leicester and Kiteto in Tanzania have been linked since 1982. The Diocesan Tanzanian Link Committee are aiming to raise £7,500 for the eye clinic.
Bishop Martyn and Canon Carolyn have told our school staff, students and parents that we are praying for them at this stressful time with the extra difficulty of exam results uncertainty
Last week saw 134 children from 26 churches and 14 with no expressed church connection, participate in His Majesty's Secret Spies Online Holiday Club, a partnership between the Diocese of Leicester and Holy Trinity Church Leicester. The club featured two parts with a live stream, complete with video stories, craft and spy fitness, followed by Zoom groups. It is fair to say that there were moments of unintentional drama behind the scenes but there was also plenty of evidence of God at work and children and leaders having fun and connecting with others.
A series of video shorts have been produced by members of the diocesan Social Responsibility Panel, covering a wide range of areas of everyday action and loving service. Some of these areas of social concern have been heightened during the pandemic and so these video shorts might help to stimulate thinking, discussion and action.
In light of the Clergy Wellbeing Covenant becoming an Act of Synod, Bishop Guli and Revd Canon Helen Newman discuss an aspect of it, pastoral supervision, and the benefits of incorporating it more widely within the Diocese of Leicester.
Anissa will develop the counselling service we offer to clergy, licensed lay leaders and their families.
Leicester's Filipino Chaplaincy, Bayanihan Leicestershire and Kanlungan Filipino Consortium are taking part in Everyday Action by providing Filipino food for staff of three Hospitals and five Care Homes in Leicestershire.
Due to the COVID19 pandemic the ordinations of priests and deacons were delayed. They will now take place in three services on Sunday 13th September for the ordination of priests, and three services on Sunday 27th September for the ordination of deacons. A prayer card can be downloaded here to aid the whole diocese to pray for all those going to be ordained, whether they are based in your parishes or not.
St Botolph's in Shepshed regularly fundraise for Christian Aid and have a fundraising group of 8 people plus many other helpers, often working ecumenically with other churches in Shepshed. This year they had to think of a new way to fundraise as their traditional methods were cancelled or postponed.
Alan Pyke, a retired vicar from Kibworth is walking the 850 mile distance from Lands End to John O'Groats without leaving the sheltered accommodation complex where he lives, to raise money for The Well charity in the village.