What's happening with the Link Dioceses?

Above: Trichy Diocese giving Masai Bibles to the Diocese of Kiteto

With the incessant virus news, it’s easy to lose track of our sisters and brothers in our link sibling dioceses of Kilimanjaro & Kiteto in Tanzania, Trichy in India and Wyoming in USA.

Pandemic means it’s affecting them too and in places with fewer resources to start with the impact is even greater. Please consider how you may need to be involved!


Concerns have been expressed by the WHO about the country’s response to the pandemic. Churches are suffering drops in income as attendance is down through fear of infection, even though government policy is no lockdown and it has been encouraging attendance at worship. Schools and universities were closed. Businesses are struggling as people avoid public transport but very many, through poverty, simply cannot work at home or live distanced from others.

Diocese of Kilimanjaro (DMK)


In many cases the churches in DMK are operating as “normal” however there has been a drop in income which does result in hardship for Pastors and their families. The rural areas are those which will be significantly affected.  The church which has been hit the hardest is Christ Church Cathedral, as well as other churches in Arusha, with significant drop in the congregations. Munguishi Bible College is also struggling as the students are finding it difficult to pay their fees.  Pray for wisdom for Bishop Stanley as well as the Pastors in how they respond to the information that is given about the virus    


The schools in DMK have been closed since March and have now reopened.  

Diocese of Kiteto

Eye Dispensary

It’s clear that the diocese needs urgent support to continue its eye dispensary work, which is at risk. Bishop Isaiah says. “The need for a doctor and a nurse is inevitable and indeed we are desperately in danger”. A current key worker staff member is struggling to continue, the local people are poor and can’t always meet fees and the project needs a new vehicle to continue its outreach. They need our help.


Primary and secondary schools (forms 1-4) are still closed but sixth form exams are going ahead (June 2020). The church is still waiting for direction from the government on how to open up schools again.

Diocese of Trichy, India

At the time of writing the Times of India is reporting Trichy’s first COVID19 death. It is clear that the epidemic is beginning to get a hold there. Please pray for the work of its hospitals and schools and its work among the Dalits, one of India’s most vulnerable groups to the virus.

Diocese of Wyoming, USA

The low population density has helped protect them from the virus’s worst effects. However, in a global theme that has emerged strongly in the pandemic, their worst hit community is the Wind River Indian Reservation. As many clergy in the diocese are over 65 years old and so in an at-risk group, they are exercising discretion and caution as churches look to re-open. The process of appointing the next Bishop in October has been complicated by the pandemic, as the two candidates have not been able to tour the diocese.

Our Response?

Pray … and pay!

We are all seeing economic difficulty but most of our fellow Christians elsewhere are feeling it even more. We need to consider becoming even more generous despite Covid. Paul considers that a ‘fair balance” economically between the churches should be the norm (2 Cor 8:13). So, let’s be more Macedonian!

“We want you to know about the grace of God that has been granted to the churches of Macedonia, who, during a severe ordeal of affliction… have overflowed in a wealth of generosity”

2 Cor 8 1-2NRSV

If churches or individuals wish to respond by becoming more involved, re-establishing links or by giving, please contact us!

Tanzania: DMK - Revd Michael Broadley E: rector@emmanuel-loughborough.org

Tanzania: Kiteto - Dr David Shepherd E: dave_shep@btinternet.com, Ven Richard Worsfold E: richard.worsfold@leccofe.org

India: Trichy - Diocesan Secretary Jonathan Kerry E: jonathan.kerry@leccofe.org

USA: Wyoming - Revd Liz Rawlings E: Liz.Rawlings@CovLec.org




29th June 2020
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