Praying for COP26

As the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow is running from 31 October – 12 November 2021 we've compiled a list of resources to help us hold the conference in our prayers.

Climate Intercessors

Climate Intercessors describe themselves as a global network of people praying fervently for the climate crisis and they have drawn together, through discernment and discussion, 7 (soon to be 10) key items for prayer. Each item can be dwelt upon in individual prayer - they could be printed out and placed around a room or outdoor space, or displayed for 5mins with a brief introduction and then prayed for.

They are also producing daily prayer points for COP26 during the conference - you can sign up for the requests on their website.

Pray and Fast for the Climate

This group have been praying and fasting 1 day a month for the climate for around the past 3 years. They have produced a prayer vigil resource which includes a lots of readings and prayers. You can choose which ones are relevant to your time allocation and setting.

Christian Aid

Christian Aid have a variety of resources including making a paper prayer boat to support the YCCN (Young Christian Climate Network) who are walking to Glasgow, and a variety of prayer resources for praying into the climate crisis.

Tearfund Service

A service with Pete Greig and Carol Ng'ang'a to pray for COP26 on Sunday 7th November – all videos are available to download and use with your church – worship, talks and prayer.

Lectio 365

Ruth Valerio (Global Advocacy and Influencing Director for Tearfund) will be leading devotions during the first week of COP26 based on the climate crisis.

Thank you for Anne Scott for putting together this list for us!

1st November 2021
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