Journey in Faith Course Completed in Hinckley

The Journey in Faith course (JiF) has come to an end at St Mary’s Church in Hinckley, with members gathering for their final session recently.

The course was led in this area of the diocese by Revd Jo Hover, Rector of Sapcote and Sharnford cum Wigston Parva.

She said: "The Hinckley Journey in Faith group came together from very different backgrounds but have enjoyed learning from each other and reflecting on our common faith over the past 10 months.
"We recommend the course to anyone who is discerning a possible vocation or who wants to meet with other Christians to explore the faith we share."

JiF is a course open to anyone wanting to take the next step in their discipleship.
Feedback from people on previous courses, includes:

“I’d say that if you want to know more about yourself, your faith, God and the Bible, then JiF is the course for you!”

And: “To feel anxious about starting the course is absolutely okay. Have faith that God supports you in your journey and knows of your fears and worries.”

We are now registering interest for the 2023/24 academic year. To find out more, visit Journey in Faith - Diocese of Leicester (

First published on: 10th July 2023
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