Introducing the Ministry Experience Scheme Class of 2023/24

There’s a new team of hope-filled, joy-inspiring, God-loving young adults in our diocese, and they’re making waves in our worshipping communities.
Introducing the Diocese of Leicester’s Ministry Experience Scheme class of 2023/24…

The Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme (MES) is a programme for young adults (18-30) from all backgrounds, that offers space and time to test God’s calling on their lives. Following the time frame of the school year, it gives young people the chance to experience practical ministry, enrich theological understanding and further personal development, all with ongoing support from peers and supervisors.
Earlier this year the Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme celebrated its 10th birthday. Since it was founded in 2013, more than 700 young adults have taken part in the year-long placement programme.
The scheme gives young adults experience of ministry and is playing a key role in the Church’s drive to be younger and more diverse.

In September, we welcomed eight new Ministry Experience Scheme participants to the Diocese of Leicester.
They are Barbara from Ghana, Marina from Brazil, Sam from India, and Vyvynne, Naomi, Thomas, Joshua and Will from around the UK.

Bishop Martyn said: “We are delighted to welcome these eight young adults to Leicester for the Ministry Experience Scheme. We look forward to walking alongside them and watching them grow in depth of discipleship as they serve different ministries and churches around the diocese.
“This is, in effect, a continuation of the Community of the Tree of Life and we continue to give thanks for the fruitfulness of that community.”

(Pictured, from bottom left to top left - Vyvynne, Barbara, Will, Sam and Thomas.

Each of our eight are serving a placement church in the diocese, which provides a context for mission and ministry. This year, we have placements across a range of church traditions in the city and county serving rural ministries, intercultural worshipping communities, children, youth and schools work, worship teams, and social action projects.
As part of their year-out, the group will also engage with a programme of study or vocational training. Some of our participants are completing the New Wine Discipleship Year, others a certificate in Children or Youth Ministry, Lay Ministry training, and foundational college studies.
Under the guidance of Matt Long, diocesan Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Communities Enabler, each term they come together to eat, pray, listen, and learn from one another. The group are looking forward to their upcoming Christmas social, the national Ministry Experience Scheme Conference in London, and completing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality study together in the new year.

Matt said: “I’m so excited to see the journey God takes these young adults on throughout the year, as they discover more about who God is and who they are. It’s such a privilege to walk with these young adults and learn from them!”

The Ministry Experience Scheme runs from early September to mid-July. Click here for more information. 
And look out for more on each of our MES participants in a ‘Meet the MES Class of 23/24’ article coming soon in Diomail.

First published on: 17th November 2023
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