Carole's Everyday Witness

Throughout lockdown our social interactions have changed dramatically. We are no longer gathering or catching up with people in the same way. So it can perhaps feel difficult to share our faith with others.

Carole was feeling very unsettled by the lack of connection that the lockdown brought. So she started to think of creative ways to connect with God and with others. Carole explains "I initiated an online Bible study with a friend. I also started to share my faith online – sharing the Daily Bible verse from my Bible App on my social media. I have a blog, on which I share my life experiences, painting and bible verses. I feel that God has given me the opportunity to speak openly about my faith with those I have contact, many of whom haven't got a faith yet, with during this time. I have also made sure to connect in worship online watching Sunday@10 and YouTube services from Leicester Cathedral along with the online quiet days from Launde Abbey. Sharing my faith has made me feel closer to God. Although this last year has been particularly painful, I feel through my ongoing witness God is healing me.”

How might you share your faith with those you have contact with at this time? What could you share online or in your everyday conversations?

First published on: 18th January 2021
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