Exploring Calling For Everyone

We’re all children of God and there’s a space for every one of us to serve and play our part in the life and mission of our church and wider community. But what is God calling you to?

Next month we are holding a diocesan vocations day, as an opportunity for people to explore their sense of calling - particularly if you’ve become aware of God ‘tapping you on the shoulder’ recently.

Exploring Calling For Everyone is the chance to think about how God calls us to live out our faith, to recognise our gifts, and to meet others from across the diocese serving their church and communities in a variety of ways.

Seminars throughout the day will encompass all five of our strategic priorities as a diocese, and include caring for our buildings, leading worship, working with children and young people, helping others to deepen their faith, pastoral care, sharing faith, social action and caring for creation.

There will also be time to chat to people in a range of callings, from Chaplains and Street Pastors to those running everything from outdoor church to warm, welcome spaces.  

Revd Liz Rawlings, our diocesan Discipleship and Vocations Enabler, has helped to coordinate the event and will be on hand to support and guide people through the day - and further on in their vocational journey. She says: “We are each called to be ‘salt and light’ in the world, to be bearers of the grace of God in the places and among the people we find ourselves.

“This day gives us the space to reflect on the opportunities and gifts we have to do this, a place where we can be inspired by others who are living their faith in a myriad of different ways and the opportunity to explore how God may be guiding us in our own unique calling.”

Exploring Calling For Everyone takes place on Saturday 10 February, 10am to 3pm at St Martins House Leicester. Click here for more information and to sign up via The Hub.


15th January 2024
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