Service of Recommitment and Prayer for all involved in ministry

On Saturday 25 April at 11am, there will be an online service of recommitment and prayer for all those involved in lay ministry of any kind (mirroring the annual service for clergy on Maundy Thursday). Authorised lay ministers have been invited to join this service by Zoom, but we are extending the invitation to join the service via social media to all of you. (For reasons of numbers and security, we need to restrict Zoom access so can't open that publicly). Whether you are an authorised lay minister or involved in some other form of ministry in the church or local community, you are welcome to join us - you might be a churchwarden, a school governor, a musician, someone working with children and young people, part of your church's welcome or pastoral teams, or someone who works for the diocese. 
The service will be led by Bishop Martyn and Bishop Guli will give a homily. Others will be involved in readings and intercessions. At the heart of the service will be the chance to recommit yourself afresh to ministry and discipleship in these challenging times. The order of service can be found beloew, and the service can be accessed through Facebook or YouTube. It will also be available to watch later. 

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